Sunday, January 3, 2016

January Currently

I completely missed the Currently in December, there was just way to much going on, so I wasn't going to miss the first Currently of the new year! Here's what I'm up to right now;

Listening: Ugh, I swear half of the TV that I watch is entirely because my husband turned it on and left the room, but not before I got completely sucked in.  This is why I'm currently watching an all day Pawn Stars marathon, it's also how I managed to see the majority of the college football season and every episode of American Pickers. 

Loving: I spent the majority of last week happily spending most of the gift cards that I received for Christmas.  I love to shop, so I feel like getting a gift card is extra special because it gives me the opportunity to enjoy shopping without feeling guilty for spending the money.  I was smart though, and I saved a couple for when I really need some retail therapy!

Thinking: I know, it's that time of year when we all swear we're going to lose 20 pounds.  This never really works out for me, but I can get on board with the need to be a little healthier.  For now, that means making time to work out - they say it takes 21 days to start a habit, so if I can last that long it'll get easier, right?!

Wanting: this is really self explanatory I'm sure. I would love another week off, but for now I'm going to have to settle for planning a spring vacation so I have something to look forward to. 

Needing: I always promise myself that I'm going to put the Christmas decorations away before I go back to work. I've spent most of the day working on just that, but I've still got the tree left to tackle. 

One word: My word for the next month is care - specifically, I need to take a little better care of myself - I need to get more sleep, schedule an annual physical, make a dentist appointment, call the eye doctor and order new glasses, and I could probably use a haircut.  November and December are months for taking care of other people, so January is going to be about catching up on things I need to do for me. 

Thanks for stopping to see what I'm up to, I love to share this piece of myself with all of you! You can see what other great teacher bloggers are up to at Oh Boy 4th Grade!

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