Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November Challenge!

One of my favorite project topics for the month of November is community service. It's the perfect time of year to help children understand empathy and encourage families to take part in the project too.  So today I'm challenging you to work with your students to come up with a community service project that you can take on together.

Do your students love animals? Think about collecting supplies for a local shelter.

Do your students love to be outside? Work with families to clean up a local park.

One year my class collected food for our local food pantry, and then we were able to take a field trip to drop off our donations and check out the food pantry.

Another year we created piles of cards for military members who were deployed overseas for the holidays.

Check back tomorrow for a great big list of community service ideas, but for now start brainstorming ways to get all of your families involved in the experience!

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