Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Talking about traditions

One of our social studies standards for preschoolers is to develop an awareness and appreciation of family and cultural stories and traditions.  The holidays lend themselves perfectly to this standard so I make a special effort to encourage families to share their traditions with our class.  

Over the years I have had families bring in cookies to decorate with the class, I've had families make gingerbread houses with us, decorate ornaments  with the children, share favorite holiday stories, and make traditional foods with the class.  

Each of these experiences has given the children the opportunity to compare and contrast their own family traditions, to see which traditions they might share with their friends, and which ones are new and unfamiliar.  It has also given them a better understanding of each others' families and given the children a chance to try something new while working with an adult who is not their teacher or their own parent.  

If you have never invited families to share their traditions, it's not too late! Start with one or two parents that have been responsive to your requests in the past.  Now is the perfect time since many of them are thinking about their own traditions and would love to help out in the classroom at this time of year anyway!

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