Monday, January 2, 2017

One Word Resolution

For the last few years I have found a focus for the year in just one word.  The idea is that instead of a traditional resulution, you choose one word that will help you focus your efforts for the year.  In 2016 my word was care, and in 2015 my word was celebrate.  This year my word is:

The last two years have been all about my professional life - new business, new job, and really finding the place that I want to be career-wise.  This year my personal life is going to get a little more of the focus because we are welcoming our first baby in June!

I have always been super organized, but the planning has taken over, so "prepare" is the perfect word for this year.  I am preparing for some huge changes, while also making sure that all of the wonderful teachers I work with are prepared for my time off.  We are preparing our home at the same time that I am preparing my calendar and files for others to be able to take over in my absence.  And I'm definitely preparing this little blog so that I can take some time off. I will definitely keep the posts coming, although they will be scheduled a little farther in advance than I typically like, and I am also thinking about having some guest bloggers pop in too.

I hope that you'll all enjoy the journey with me - I promise to stick to my typical preschool topics and not go all baby overload on you! Here's to 2017, I'm looking forward to new experiences - those that I can prepare for, and those that I can't!

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