Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Personal Goals

I know that I posted last week about my one word resolution, which is prepare, but that was pretty much a general thought for both my personal and professional life. I wanted to take some time and share some of my more specific goals for this year.

I refuse to call them resolutions, because I think that term brings to mind something that is a little too big and probably unrealistic.  These are goals, things that I know can be done, and in most cases they will help me feel less stressed and less rushed!

  1. Make sure that I'm ready for the next day before I go to bed - this includes packing my lunch, picking out my outfit, and making sure I have everything gathered that I need for the day.  These are all things that I started doing at the end of 2016, and they have changed my mornings. I'm less forgetful, and I usually get to sleep a little longer, which is always a plus!
  2. Check and double check my planner - Every day looks different for me, so my planner is my life and I need to be better about looking ahead and making sure that I'm prepared for the next couple of days. I've gotten a little too relaxed about this and I've found myself without the materials that I need more times that I would like to admit, so I need to make sure that I know what is happening and when for at least the week ahead of me. 
  3. Schedule down time - My days are crazy, like I said no two days ever look the same and I find myself picking up a lot of last minute tasks, so I'm making every effort to schedule time to organize and prep every week.  I definitely did not do this that last couple of months of 2016, and I was overwhelmed and burnt out. I can't afford to let that happen now so I'm making sure that I have one day each week (or most of one day) to help myself catch up.
  4. MOVE - getting up and moving always makes me feel better, even just a short walk gives me energy. I've stopped making time for this, mostly because the weather turned so cold so quickly, but I am looking forward to burning some calories and getting my blood pumping 
I'm trying not to overwhelm myself with things to work on, so I'll stop there and really focus on those. I'd love to hear what you're working on this year!

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