Thursday, December 7, 2017

Holiday-Themed Random Acts of Kindness

The holiday spirit is a powerful thing, and I love to take advantage of this time of year to encourage my students to do nice things for others.  Here are some random acts of kindness that work perfect for the holiday season:

  1. Tape a sweet note to a candy cane and leave these throughout the building 
  2. Go Caroling
  3. Write special Christmas cards to people who have been especially helpful
  4. Collect toys for children in need
  5. Share baked goods with local first responders
  6. Hang Christmas lights around the school for everyone to enjoy
  7. Make the janitor's job easier by cleaning the classroom really well
  8. Put together a special gift for support staff
  9. Decorate a tree for the community
  10. Make holiday decorations for a nursing home or senior center
  11. Tell parents how much you appreciate everything that they do
  12. Collect gently used coats and blankets for a local homeless shelter
  13. Host a special event for another class
  14. Plan a parent's night out
  15. Draw pictures for members of the military
What else do you do during the holidays to show your appreciation?

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