Monday, January 15, 2018

Fitness in the classroom - Dancing

Getting healthy is the most popular new year's resolution, whether you've given up on your resolutions already or not, it's never too early to help children learn to enjoy physical activity.

One of my favorite movement activities to do in the classroom is dancing.  They are so many different ways to engage children in this particular activity, from the type of music you choose to the props that you have available. Even the most timid children can enjoy dancing with the group.

Here are some ideas to make dancing interesting:

  • Dance with colored scarves
  • Make ribbon rings to dance with
  • Give each child a carpet square to designate their dancing space
  • Play Freeze Dance
  • Try silent dancing - no one makes noise, so you only hear the music
  • Dance with a stuffed animal dance partner
  • Dance to movement songs that give directions
  • Free dance to any music you like
  • Encourage the children to pay attention to how the music makes them feel and dance like that
  • Ask everyone to name a favorite song and make a playlist
  • Make maracas or shakers to dance with
  • Dance outside
This list has me itching to get up and dance! If you're looking for great dancing music for preschool, check out this Movement Playlist!

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