Thursday, February 22, 2018

Unique ideas for family events

Do you ever get tired of the same old literacy nights and holiday parties? Here are some fun, different ideas that your families will want to participate in:

  • Invite families to help with a community service project
  • Take a large group family field trip
  • Host a glow in the dark game night
  • Plan an outdoor movie night for the warmer months
  • Invite a local zoo or nature center to do a presentation
  • Have a mommy and me spa day
  • Plan a teddy bear picnic
  • Set up a coffee bar and encourage parents to spend time with their children before heading to work
  • Host a board game night
  • Put together a recipe club and encourage parents to bring new dinner recipes to a potluck every couple of months
  • Invite a cookware consultant (Pampered Chef, etc.) to do a freezer meal presentation
  • Partner with local small businesses to host a holiday shopping fair
  • Plan a family pajama party
  • Start a mini library and encourage families to donate books they no longer read, everyone can benefit from the opportunity to discover new favorites
I hope that my daughter's teachers see this post - I would love to participate in a few of these! Do any of them stand out to you?

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