Wednesday, June 20, 2018

50 Activities to do outside

The weather has been beautiful and I am fully in the summer spirit. All I want to do is be outside, so I thought I'd put together a list of all the fun things that little ones could possibly do outside for those times when my "let's go outside" is met with a chorus of "I don't want to."

  1. Look for bugs
  2. Follow some ants
  3. Put together wildflower bouquets
  4. Make daisy or clover necklaces
  5. Build a sandcastle
  6. Dig a deep deep hole
  7. Go to the park
  8. Pretend the playground is a pirate ship
  9. Make mud pies
  10. Start a sand bakery
  11. Find shapes in the clouds
  12. Draw your scientific observations
  13. Decorate with sidewalk chalk
  14. Blow bubbles
  15. Make giant bubbles in a baby pool
  16. Chase a butterfly
  17. Play dodge ball
  18. See how high you can go on a swing
  19. Build an obstacle course
  20. Throw water balloons
  21. Run through a sprinkler
  22. Soak in a wading pool
  23. Have a squirt gun fight
  24. Start a game of tag
  25. Build a fort
  26. Watch ice cubes melt in the sun
  27. Trace your shadow
  28. Play hide and seek
  29. Pretend that you're camping
  30. Make music with things you find outside
  31. Pick up litter
  32. Plant a garden
  33. Ride bikes
  34. Start a car wash for bikes
  35. Read books outside
  36. Have a picnic
  37. Make up your own game
  38. Start an outdoor dance party
  39. Fly kites
  40. Put together a bike parade
  41. Go for a walk
  42. Listen to birds
  43. Create your own relay races
  44. Do crayon rubbings
  45. Take a hike
  46. Go on a scavenger hunt
  47. Start a rock collection
  48. Jump in puddles
  49. Play with a parachute
  50. Fly paper airplanes
Now you're sure to have a response every time a child tells you that they are bored!

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