Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fighting burnout

Ugh. We all feel it, it's spring, it's been a LONG winter, and now that it's finally nice outside we don't have time to enjoy it.  We're too busy completing end of the year assessments, cleaning up classroom, and getting ready for end of the year celebrations.  Whether you teach year-round, like me, or get the summer off, its still hard to fight the tell-tale signs of teacher burnout.  I've been collecting tips to keep me motivated and inspired, and I knew that if I needed them, others probably did too, so here are some great sites to check out if you're feeling it too.

Tips for avoiding teacher burnout from Tina's Teaching Treasures.

25 tricks to stop teacher burnout from informED

Teacher burnout infographic from Sprinkle Teaching Magic (LOVE LOVE LOVE this!)

TED talk on teacher burnout from Learnist

Here are a few of my own personal tips:
1. Take a break.  This isn't always possible during the week, but I have a standing date night with my best friends every Tuesday. It gives me something else to look forward to (although it would probably be a better break if we all weren't teachers because we spend the entire time talking about school #teacherproblems). I also try to carve out time for some fun during the weekend, quilting, reading, shopping, anything that I get to do just because I want to. 

2. Take some time for fun (it can be educational too, as long as it's fun).  When I'm feeling really down, I like to plan a special activity for my class. Whether we're baking cookies, blowing bubbles, or taking a special walking trip, when they are looking forward to something special they behave like angels, and it makes it so much easier for me to enjoy how young they are, and why I love this job in the first place. 

3. Find something to look forward to. It could be a special event, a weekly special, or a day off. My personal favorites are our trips to the library every two weeks. It takes the whole morning, so the rest of the day goes really quickly, and the kids love it.  Having something to look forward to can keep you going on those really rough days. 

4. Start a ritual.  I go to Starbucks twice a week on my way to school, on Monday morning, to help me start the week out right, and on Friday morning to celebrate the end of the week. It's the little things that get me through, and while it may be silly, it really does help!

I'd love to add your ideas to my list, leave your tips in the comments!

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