Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back to School Boost

I'm not quite sure what it is this year, but I'm not really feeling like it's time for Back to School quite yet.  Yes, the weather is quite a bit cooler, I've definitely picked up a few school supplies (who doesn't love brand new Sharpies?!), and I'm itching for college football season and some high school football games, but there seems to be something missing.

Maybe I'll get my Back to School boost tomorrow, because Teachers Pay Teachers is having a special one day Back to School sale.  This is super special because TPT already had their annual Back to School sale, but being smart like they are, they totally understand that not all teachers go back at the same time, and they want to help out those who may have missed out on the sale at the beginning of the month.

Before every sale I do a run down of the things that I'm planning on buying.  Since it's a quick one-day sale, I thought I'd do an abbreviated version of my wishlist.  Here's what I'm drooling over:

I'm in love with this recent release from Cherry Workshop.  Stitched letters, yes please! As a preschool teacher, I use alphabet letters in a million different ways, I can think of a ton of ideas for these.  Plus, I'm sure I could come up with some really cute printables that would showcase them (because I really need another excuse to make printables...).  They will definitely be going in my cart.

How awesome is this bulletin board set from Simply Kinder?! Not only is it a printable bulletin board (which saves tons of time, since you don't have to design it yourself), but it is also interactive - children stand in front of it on the first day and get their picture taken.  Those photos could be so useful throughout the year.  What an awesome image to place on the front cover of a portfolio, to hang in the classroom, to create a class album, and as a great comparison photo at graduation.  

I would love to know what's on your wishlist, please share in the comments! I'm linking up this post with SLPrunner, go check out some other great TPT products on her blog!

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