Monday, October 6, 2014

October Currently

Ahhh! how is it October already?! And how did I forget to do the Currently again? One of these days I'm going to shock everyone and have the Currently up on the first day of the month, but for now, this works too.

Listening: Oh Real Housewives, what can I say? My life is fairly drama free, so I can't help but be drawn to to the chaos and insanity that is Real Housewives.  I think that watching their drama makes me eternally grateful for my mostly quiet existence.  New Jersey is hands-down my favorite!

Loving: We spent the weekend celebrating my Brother-in-law's wedding.  They had a beautiful outdoor ceremony, but it was only 50 degrees.  Luckily they had planned ahead and had a basket full of fleece blankets for everyone to wrap up in during the ceremony and reception.  I never really warmed up, and I've been bundled up ever since.  I'm just hoping that this isn't foreshadowing the winter that is coming, I can't do another winter like last year!

Thinking: It's October already - like pretty well into October - and Halloween will be here before we know it.  I've got a pumpkin to carve, a costume to finish, sugar cookies to decorate, and candy to buy, and for some reason, I feel like I need to do it all right now!

Wanting: My husband was sick all last week, so I knew I would get it eventually.  I'm sure that spending the weekend in the cold and rain didn't help, I so don't want to get sick, but now I'm feeling it, yup, the first cold of the season is coming.  Ugh. Can we just get this over with?!

Needing: I did the bare minimum of extra work last week - there were too many other things to take care of to get ready for the wedding (it was out of town, so there was packing, and making sure clothes were clean and ironed, finding someone to watch the dog, you know, the fun stuff).  Now I really need to buckle down. It's time to finish my NAEYC Conference presentation and get winter activities finished and posted to my TPT store because we're almost into the holiday season!

Trick or Treat: I'm going to share a trick with you - this is how I carved my pumpkin last year (ok, how my husband carved the pumpkin) and it was so much fun, I'm sure it would be great to do at school too.  To make polka dot pumpkins, simply use a drill and different sized drill bits to make holes all of the way through the pumpkin.  Here are some photos so you can get an idea:

I'm linking up my Currently at Oh Boy Fourth Grade, be sure to hop over there and see what everyone else has to say!

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