Saturday, November 1, 2014

November Currently

Yay! I am with it this month, I totally remembered the Currently! This is nothing short of a miracle considering the chaos that is happening this week, here's what I'm up to:

Listening: I'm an OSU fan for sure, but I'm not really a stop everything and watch the game kind of fan - that would be my husband, and yet he's sleeping on the couch and I'm the one actually paying attention to the game, go figure.

Loving: I am so happy to bust out my scarf collection, I have worn one every day this week. I love love love to be warm and cozy (and I have a slight obsession with buying just about anything made out of beautiful yarn), so I'm happily incorporating my favorite accessories into my it's-officially-fall-now wardrobe.

Thinking: I am a completely organized packing machine, my lists for my trip to Dallas (Yay! Can't wait until Wednesday!) are extensive - and they include photos (I'm serious).  I did a little packing earlier tonight, and yes I realize that it's Saturday and I don't leave until Wednesday, what can I say, I really love packing!

Wanting: The weekends go way to fast, there's no time for the actual relaxing part, and I'm beat. I could really use an extra day, but it's going to have to wait until Thanksgiving.  Usually the weekend after Thanksgiving is reserved for shopping and putting up my Christmas decorations, but I just may have to rebel against tradition and steal some time to do absolutely nothing this year - at least that's the plan for right now, but I have a nagging suspicion that it just won't happen.

Needing: I started the laundry earlier so that I could pack nice clean clothes, but I have a general rule that I won't start a load of laundry after 8pm because I'll forget about it and it'll spend the entire night, and the whole next day, in the washing machine - yuck.  I'll have to finish it tomorrow so that I can get that packing done!

Reading: I finished Gone Girl (for the second time) last week, that happens to be one of those books that you just need a break after reading because it's such an emotional roller coaster. I also didn't want to start another book until I get to the Airport on Wednesday morning, so for now I'm just reading blogs and brushing up on my pre-k current events so that I'm ready for NAEYC. I considered getting a new kindle book for my trip, but I know I'll end up reading Mockingjay for the 80th time (ok, that's an exaggeration, it's only the 20th time), so I splurged on a couple of magazines instead. It's perfect timing really, I got the Thanksgiving recipe editions of Better Homes and Gardens and Martha Stewart Living, so I can spend the entire flight to Dallas reading about pie!

I'm linking my Currently up with Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade, hop over there and see what everyone else is up to!

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