Monday, January 5, 2015

January Currently

I realize that it is January 5th, so I may have missed the boat on the Currently, BUT, today was my first day back at school, so in my mind, it's really the beginning of the month - those last 5 days didn't really count!

Listening: I'm working at Starbucks this afternoon. Sometimes I love their music selections, other times... meh. Today is one of those days when I really have no clue who is playing, or even what genre it is, but I am hyper-focused on my work because I'm not actually listening to the music.

Loving: I do not like to give gift cards as gifts, but I love to receive them! I have been shopping like crazy, and it's even more fun when I have a gift card!

Thinking: It never fails, as soon as the holidays are over I am done with the cold and longing to spend a day on the beach soaking up some sun. I don't actually have any plans to get away, but sometimes just the day dream is enough to get me through.

Wanting: January is one of the worst months to live in Ohio, closely followed by February.  Ugh.  I have no problem with 30 degrees, and I can handle 20 degrees, but when the daily high temperature is 6 degrees and the wind chill is in the negative teens, count me out! It should be illegal to leave the house on days that are that cold.

Needing: I am still in holiday break mode - let me tell you, I did some serious relaxing! I slept in every day, spent some quality time hanging out on the couch, and enjoyed a few too many desserts.  Let's be honest, I wasn't ready for it to end, but now I need to get back on track, and I could use a little motivation.

Yes: This will be the year that we add on to our house - I've been waiting for this ever since we bought the place, it's only taken us 7 years to make it a reality - so I will really appreciate if this winter doesn't last into May like it did last year. I'm ready to break ground!

Maybe: I would love to go to Las Vegas for the Teachers Pay Teachers conference this year, and right now it is on my calendar, and I'm planning on going, but nothing is set in stone yet.  There are still a lot of things that are up in the air when it comes to my life, and I'm having a hard time planning 6 months out - but the conference starts on my birthday, so to celebrate it Vegas would be awesome!

I wish: I started writing a book last winter to get me through the chaos and keep my mind focused. I would love to get it published. You never know right?!

Go check out what some other great teacher bloggers are up to at Oh Boy Fourth Grade!

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