Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Freebie - Valentine's Day Writing Paper

 Happy Friday! This was a surprise short week for me with my snow day on Monday, so it flew by! Since Valentine's Day is next weekend I'm saying that this is the official start of Valentine's week (yes, Valentine's week) who doesn't love taking time to share their love with people who are important?! I've got some tricks up my sleeve for my favorite people, and since I'll see them at different times throughout the week, I've made it Valentine's week :)

Today's freebie is one of the first things that I created for my Teacher's Pay Teachers store, it's a great little freebie that you can use a few different ways.  The idea is simple, it's just writing paper with hearts and cupcakes on it, but if you get creative there are many uses for it.

I like to use the Valentine's Day Writing Paper as a supplement to my writing center, because for whatever reason the children would much rather use cute paper that I have to print, the the million sheets of scrap paper that I have laying around.

This paper is also perfect for writing valentine's day vocabulary words, and for writing cute little letters to put inside of Valentine cards for parents.  You could also use it to write a list of all of the things that your students love, and then attach their list to their valentine bag or box, as a writing sample-slash-decoration.

Have a great weekend, enjoy some Valentine's Day chocolate while you prep for your classroom celebration!

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