Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Reggio Inspired Science Centers

A couple of weeks ago I gathered photos of some incredible Reggio-inspired Math and Writing centers to share with you. These have been some of the most popular posts that I've done, so I thought I would do a few more centers this week.

When it comes to the science center, my students especially love the following science-related materials:

  • Authentic science tools (magnifying glasses, specimen jars, microscopes and slides, etc.)
  • Mirrors and prisms
  • Flashlights
  • Binoculars
I also like to include some of the following materials:
  • Clipboards with paper or notebooks where they can record their findings
  • Photographs related to topics of interest (like close ups of snowflakes or photos of different bodies of water, etc.)
  • Non-fiction books (like Eyewitness books) 
Here are some photos of inspiring science centers to get your creative juices flowing.

I love that these centers are all so different. Science encompasses so many different topics, which is why my students love the science center so much, there is always something new to explore. Hopefully these ideas will inspire some innovation in your science center!

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