Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday Freebie - Bug Observations

Happy Friday! This is my one and only day off for Spring Break, in fact my only day off until Memorial day, so I am cherishing it! I have big plans for my day off, I'm road-tripping to the outlet mall to do some spring shopping, but before I head out I have a really cute freebie to share with you.

When it comes to spring, there is one thing that preschoolers love - playing outside.  With every group of children I've ever worked with, they've always been drawn to bugs.  They love to find them, watch them, catch them, try to pick them up, you name it.  This Bug Observation Freebie from Stephany Dillon would be a great way to record all of the discoveries that your students make, while helping them to record the learning process, and do a little research. I could definitely see this freebie leading to a much larger bug project.

Download Stephany's freebie to use with your class this spring and have a great holiday weekend!

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