Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Great quotes for celebrating parents

The Week of the Young Child is the perfect time to let parents and families know how much you appreciate them.  Whether you have parents who are constantly donating time and materials to your classroom, or parents who are just doing the best they can do to care for their children, every parent would love a reminder they they are doing a great job.  Here are some quotes that would make great cards or framed prints for parents of the children in your class;

From Venspired

I love to take a minute to write each family a note letting them know that they are appreciated and that they are doing a wonderful job raising their child.  It's not something that parents hear everyday and it's nice to give them a little reassurance!

All of my posts this week will deal with a different facet of Early Childhood Education. These posts are great for sharing with families and with staff, so be sure to check back every day for new information! Be sure to take a minute to check out these related posts:
Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating
Why is Early Literacy Important?

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