Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday Freebie - Mother's Day

Happy Friday! I'm hoping today's freebie is as helpful for you as it is for me! I try to start planning for Mother's Day early because I have high standards, and because I know how long it takes for my kiddos to finish a project.  I have tough time choosing a Mother's Day project every year because I want it to be something that Moms will really use, not just another piece of artwork that will end up in a pile.  I also really try not to spend too much, because I can't afford to, and because I know it isn't about spending money, it's about teaching children to take time to let their loved ones know that they care. My idea for this year is unique, and sure to be appreciated.  

The Key Jar isn't necessarily a Mother's Day gift, but it is a great idea that makes a wonderful gift for the entire family - from the very smart Erin Waters.  The download includes 48 question strips that serve as conversation starters for family time.  What a great way to get your children talking!  I'm going to have my students each decorate their own jar for Mom, then they can help me cut out the questions and put them in the jar.  The children will be excited for their parents to ask them the questions, and parents will cherish the time spent talking to their children.  Everyone wins with this gift!

Have a great weekend, and enjoy this awesome freebie!

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