Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Water play with preschoolers

Most of the preschoolers that I know would be happy to play in the water all day, every day.  If this is true for your students, then you are probably looking for ways to keep water play fun and exciting.  If you do water play every day, you might try implementing a schedule with a different kind of water play each day - like this;
  • Monday - Wading pools
  • Tuesday - Water balloons
  • Wednesday - Sprinklers
  • Thursday - Ice play
  • Friday - Squirt guns
Doing something different each day gives children something to look forward too and breaks up the monotony.  It also gives you some guidance when planning the experiences that you want to introduce for each type of water play.  Here are some fun ideas for each of these types of water play (it's a long list, so get comfortable!);

Wading pools

Add shells to your wading pool for some beachy fun

Fill your pool with cut up pool noodles to encourage building and shape exploration

Give your wading pool a theme

Water Balloons


Build a PVC sprinkler that children can run through

Make an easy sprinkler out of a pool noodle

Put together a "tinker sprinkler" set - children can move the pipes and connectors to make the water move in different directions.

Ice Play

Squirt Guns

There are a ton of great water play activities here, I hope they keep you busy all summer long!

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