Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Currently

It's March! That makes this girl so happy.  I know in my brain that march does not mean nice spring weather - not here in Ohio! But my heart screams "Yay! Bring on the green grass and short sleeves!" Here's what I'm up to right now:

Listening: I am a hardcore news watcher. When I was a kid i couldn't understand why my parents watched it every single night, then I went to collage and found myself feeling completely out of the loop if I missed it.  Now I watch whenever possible, or I read it on my phone. 

Loving: I've always loved iced coffee, but I recently figured out how to make a Starbucks copycat at home and now I'm completely addicted (I had three iced coffees on Sunday!) It's to the point that I don't even like hot coffee anymore, and I'm not sure that's a good thing...

Thinking: I've been slowly but surely updating a ton of my products for the classroom.  They're getting face lifts and in some cases I've added additional materials.  I just finished my St. Patrick's day materials and almost all of my math materials.  While I was working on updates I got bitten by the creative bug and put together this fun new coffee cup math set. I've got a lot of work left to do, so stay tuned for updates and the fun new stuff too!

Wanting: I just said I was excited about spring... right now it's snowing so hard that I can't see across the road.  We haven't had a terrible winter, but that doesn't mean I want winter to stay! I'm praying that this is our last snow storm. 

Needing: We're going on vacation over spring break and I've been trying not to think about it because it's hard enough to wait for it without daydreaming all day! It's close enough now that I really need to start thinking about it, and I'm ok with that!

Polling site: The schools in my district are not polling sites, but there are other schools in our area that are polling sites, and students who go to those schools don't have school on election day.  

Thanks for giving me a chance to share, make sure to check out Oh Boy... It's Farley to see what some of my favorite bloggers are up to this month!

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