Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Treat yourself!

I just got back from vacation - and I'm sure many of you are in the same boat - after time off it's doubly hard to go back to work and get into the groove.  A while ago I stumbled across a tip that has worked wonders for lifting my spirits, and I wanted to share it as we dive into the rest of the school year. This tip is all about treating yourself - recognizing (and doing) those little things that brighten your day.  Oh, and best of all, I made a little freebie to go with it!

It's very simple, but it makes a huge difference.  Just take a couple of minutes to write down at least ten things that you know will always make you feel just a little bit better.  These can be simple things like stopping at Target just to wander, or giving yourself a manicure with new nail polish (both of which happen to be on my list) or they can be bigger splurges, like movie night with your girl friends, a pedicure at the spa, or an afternoon to work on a Pinterest project.

You can use this free download to make your list, and post it somewhere that you'll see it often (I love to post lists like this on the inside of a cabinet door - I know it's there, and I'll see it daily, but no one else has to).

This freebie was designed to help you recognize all the little things that you love to do for yourself! Some days you need to treat yourself – whether it’s a reward for a really great day, or a pick me up on a day that nothing has gone right.  Use this list to write down all of the things that never fail to make you smile, and feel like a special treat every single time.  When you have “one of those days” you can turn to this list and choose something that will easily make it better. 

Just a couple of tips – The things that you write down should be special treats, so make sure to include activities that cost nothing (walking your favorite trail or reading in your favorite spot), Things that cost just a little bit (New nail polish or a cup of coffee), and things that are a real splurge (a manicure or a new pair of shoes) so that you can choose what’s right for your budget and the kind of day you’ve had.  Also consider the amount of time that things will take and include a few activities that take more or less time, so that you will always be able to fit in a special treat, even when your schedule is packed!

This would be a great idea to share with your team members, and it would be interesting to see what kinds of things everyone comes up with to add to their list - then you could use their ideas when you need gift ideas!

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