Monday, March 5, 2018


Without even realizing it I crossed the 1,000 post mark! Wow, that's crazy to me.  This blog has been a labor of love.  It is an absolute joy that I get to share some of my favorite ideas with you.

I started Preschool Ponderings back in July of 2011 when I was transitioning from teaching toddlers to teaching preschoolers.  A lot has changed since then and I am so grateful to have a record of my own growth as an educator. 

For those of you who have been following along for some time, I so appreciate that you spend your precious time reading my blog.  For those of you who have just discovered Preschool Ponderings I hope that my posts serve as inspiration for your own continued growth.  Thank you for reading!

As a special way to celebrate such a huge milestone I wanted to share some of my favorite blog exclusive freebies here in one post.  I've linked each freebie directly, and I've also linked the original blog post where it was first shared.

(An updated version of my very first freebie)

There are also a ton of freebies in my Teacher's Pay Teachers store, make sure to check them out too!!!

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