Monday, March 26, 2018

Back to reality

I took a little break here for a couple of weeks - it was much needed, even if I didn't actually slow down.  I don't spend a ton of time talking about my personal life her, but I thought I would jump back in by showing you what I've been up to. 

First and foremost, I spent some serious time taking care of myself.  Here are three things that I swear by when it comes to self-care:

It's amazing what a great manicure can do for your self-confidence. My all time favorite polish is Essie's Treat Love Color collection. (Affiliate link)

Yoga always helps me de-stress, I started this 30 Days of Yoga Challenge from Yoga with Adriene and I am loving the slow pace and how relaxed I feel after every session.

I am in love with Mary Kay's Clear Proof Deep Cleansing Charcoal Mask, I've never been much of a mask or facial girl, but this makes my skin feel amazing and I always feel super relaxed after using it. 

I was actually able to finish a couple of projects during my self-imposed break, my favorites were  Easter-related.  

I took some time to get out a few decorations:

I've been trying to create fun holiday traditions for my baby girl this year, without completely stressing out over things that she will never remember.  Easter is easy to keep simple, I love our little buckets because you can't fit a ton in them, so I don't feel compelled to go overboard when buying fun little treats.

Speaking of things I'm trying not to stress out about, I scaled back my baking big time this year. I would have loved to do my elaborately decorated sugar cookies, but for now these chocolate chip cookies are going to have to work:

Thanks to a little food coloring they still feel festive. I'll get back to my sugar cookies when my little one is better able to occupy herself!

One last thing that I did a lot of over the last two weeks, online shopping.  Honestly, I do a lot of that all the time.  My favorite purchase was these lounge pants (affiliate link) that I fully intend to live in.  I'm debating which pattern to get for my second pair!

Thank you for humoring my post that has absolutely nothing to do with preschool, sometimes I have to keep it real!

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